type (int): Lane type (1: Driving | 2: Pedestrian).
turn (int): Turn type (1: straight | 2: left | 3: right | 4: around).
max_speed (float): Maximum speed limit (m/s).
length (float): Length of lane centerline (m).
width (float): Lane width.
center_line (list[XYPosition]): Lane centerline shape.
predecessors (list[LaneConnection]): ID and connection type of predecessor lanes. For lanes within a junction, there is at most one predecessor lane. For LANE_TYPE_DRIVING, the connection type must be LANE_CONNECTION_TYPE_TAIL. For LANE_TYPE_WALKING, both connection types are possible.
successors (list[LaneConnection]): ID and connection type of successor lanes. For lanes within a junction, there is at most one successor lane. For LANE_TYPE_DRIVING, the connection type must be LANE_CONNECTION_TYPE_HEAD. For LANE_TYPE_WALKING, both connection types are possible.
left_lane_ids (list[int]): Lane IDs of the adjacent lanes on the left, arranged from closest to furthest.
right_lane_ids (list[int]): Lane IDs of the adjacent lanes on the right, arranged from closest to furthest.
parent_id (int): The road/intersection ID to which the lane belongs.
aoi_ids (list[int]): AOI IDs connected to the lane.
shapely_xy (shapely.geometry.LineString): Shape of lane centerline (in xy coordinates).
shapely_lnglat (shapely.geometry.LineString): Shape of lane centerline (in latitude and longitude).
external["population"] (int): population from WorldPop.
driving_positions (list[LanePosition]): Connection points to driving lanes.
walking_positions (list[LanePosition]): Connection points to pedestrian lanes.
driving_gates (list[XYPosition]): Position on the AOI boundary corresponding to the connection point to driving lanes.
walking_gates (list[XYPosition]): Position on the AOI boundary corresponding to the connection point to pedestrian lanes.
land_use (Optional[int]): Landuse type (5: Commercial land | 6: Industrial, mining and warehousing land | 7: Residential land | 8: Public management and public service land | 10: Transportation land | 12: Others).
poi_ids (list[int]): Contained POI IDs.
shapely_xy (shapely.geometry.Polygon): Shape of polygon (in xy coordinates).
shapely_lnglat (shapely.geometry.Polygon): Shape of polygon (in latitude and longitude).